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Crossing the Lake Titicaca on paddling boat - distance 32 km, duration two days.

Several years ago I swam from the mainland to the Isla del Sol. Unfortunately the water was so cold, that after just 30 minutes in the water, I was shaking. I wish to swim on this trip too, but I rather give up as I don’t want to get hypothermia.

Lake TiticacaAnyway, I wish to collect my summer equipment in Copacabana, and send back my desert cart (I'm looking for a contact in Copacabana or in La Paz to pick up staff and freight company to send back ). Then I have to find a guy with a rowing boat who will give me a lift across the lake. My starting point will be a man from Sicuani village, who assisted my swimming in 2004.

Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly where I want to arrive on the northern shore of the lake. Probably in one of the villages - Ispaya, Quillima or Carabuco. In these villages I would like to rent a horse or mule and go with it through the Andes to the jungle.

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