start date | activity | country | place | from - to | days | km | km/ day | comment |
26.07.2013 |
walking |
Bolivia |
Pelechuco - Queara |
1 |
25 |
25 |
Pass 4700m |
27.07.2013 |
jungle walking |
Madidi National Park |
Queara - Tuichi |
3.5 |
117 |
33 |
descent in jungle from 3500 down to 900m |
31.07.2013 |
walking |
Tuichi - Apolo |
2 |
49 |
24 |
4x4 track |
02.08.2013 |
forced resting |
Apolo |
1 |
0 |
0 |
waiting for the guide |
03.08.2013 |
jungle walking, boat |
Madidi National Park |
Apolo - San Jose |
10 |
117 |
11 |
Jungle walking with guide and machettas |
13.08.2013 |
walking; boat |
San Jose - Rurrenabaque |
2 |
87 |
43 |
on the road |
15.08.2013 |
resting |
Rurrenabaque |
1 |
0 |
0 |
| 20.5 |
370 |
18 |

Those were my first moments of solitude in the jungle. I was scared. I did not know exactly why, but I think that's what the unknown.
Protection from the snake bites I got by high boots and eyes looking for reptiles on the path.There where the trail was overgrown, I first put on a walking stick, and then the leg. I walked carefully. Jaguars avoiding system were noises, shouting and banging machete on a trees. At least there were my theories. Because the locals threatened me - "Alone, it's dangerous", "path is overgrown, you can not get through", "a lot of snakes, jaguars and bears."

I ended up on the snakes tracks, two spiders, two bee stings and hundreds of mosquitoes and other insects.
After three days I got to the first village, Mojos. People kept asking where I have a guide. Shook their heads in disbelief, and I could not guess: "brave tourist," or "stupid gringo". They did not realize, however, that I had support - route description in both English and Spanish, topographical map, and GPS support. Get lost it was not so easy.

So I marched down on the 4WD track thinking about the near future. The sun, breeze, small river at the bottom and the cow crossing the road... moment! I froze. It's not a cow. I didn't make any sound while reaching my machete over the side of a backpack, all the time carefully watching the beast. I did not know what to do, so I waited for whatever. Nothing, however, did not happen, because the cat did not even look in my direction, just jumped up on the slope and disappeared into the vegetation. It was about 100 meters apart. It was enough that I went crazy with joy - I met a puma! Beautiful 2-meter dark-brown kitten. The whole thing lasted maybe 10 seconds. I have terrible luck when it comes to meeting wildlife. I did not know that there are pumas, not even all locals have seen them. And to see it in a day. Though not in the middle of the jungle, only fifteen minutes from the village. It is a pity that I didn't make any noise, it might look at me ... while on the other hand, who knows what would have happened then.

For the first two days' march I fought with the idea that I don't really need a guide, after all, the path is easy. At fourth day, however, I thanked God that he did not send me there alone. Now I understand the meaning of "closed path". It was not because of the official ban, but closed literally, by her natural guardian - fallen trees, vines and other plants that are on the path of struggle for a piece of the sun. Besides impressed by hills and cliffs, jungle mountain has a completely different character from the lowland one.

We had a few unexpected attraction - break camp on an anthill, spider visit in a tent and in a shoe, two snakes encounters on the path, losing the way in the evening and night without water and cooking, thunderstorm in the dry season, dozens of itchy bites of mosquitoes, forest bugs, leeches and other unidentified insects, torn pants, jacket and backpack. I has not seen jaguar, just to enjoy his footsteps and listen to the distinctive whistle, which attract his victims.

Country | Days | Food | (how many) paid accom. | Permits Entry fees |
Guide hire | Equipment purchase, hire |
Equipment or other freight fees | *Transport | Other | Total |
Bolivia | 20.5 | $314 | (5) $20 | $16 | $407 | $9 | $15 | $0 | $17 | $798 |
guide for 10 days - $404