About travelling |

About the local people |
- When local people are so open and friendly, I also recall pleasant experiences in the houses of Western Europe, that one time I travelled by bicycle. The same was in Romania and Ukraine. I love Poland, it is beautiful and interesting - you should not lead to a situation of "to know all the world except your own country". Unfortunately with some disappointment I remember my walk across Poland, when many doors were closed in front of me. I had to sleep in the bus stops in cold October. It is a much better with hitchhiking in Poland, where for example in Italy, in contrast, I hitch in one place for 52 hours. What I mean? Everywhere, wherever we are we meet a lot of people. I believe that in over the world there are only two types of people: the good and bad. Often, our subjective opinion is due to which people we meet more, not without significance is the last impression. If the representative of the nation have caused us some harm, we give the poor opinion for the whole nation. This is understandable excuse, but wrong. The worst, however, in my opinion are ideological prejudices, such as the hatred of all Muslims after some events in the world. So far Iranians have shown me the most disinterested cordiality and hospitality, similar was in Pakistan. Now I can't blame these people for any action of their governments or terroristic organizations. So I try to treat every person individually, without prejudice. I wish you if we meet as many of those friendly locals, because as a positive experience, making our journey (commonly known as life) more exciting.
- In different countries we may observe a mixture of ethnic, cultural and religious, and a huge contrast between the wealthy and extremely poor people. Terrible is the view of the homeless, injured, disabled or poor - worse - the children. Some of them are trying to sell various products, healthy working hard physically, and some are forced to beg or prostitution. Despite all, they look dignity and peace and even with their material poverty seem to be happy. While I've been among these simple people, it is impossible to not feel it - I would like to learn a lot from them. They accept life as it is, and get from it all the best, all with a smile and peace. I try to use the services of those most in need and only if the price is too high - I not bargain (it not include any transport or hotel owners, they rich enough for their condition). Please don't buy anything from the children, don't give them gifts. Such behaviour can reverse the situation where parents will send kids to tourists, instead to school.
- Meet foreign globetrotters also brings benefits. Exchange of experiences and information, often allowing us to save some money, and see something interesting, which guide books don't describe.