About travelling |

Advices, tips, observations |
There are some advantages and disadvantages of the different way of travel. Here I present my point of view:
- Expectations are one of the most important factors influencing on our satisfaction from the visited places. I recommend in any situation, to lower our expectations to a optimum level, or even lower - then you probably will not be disappointed. Sometimes it happened to me, when I saw a beautiful wonder of nature, but I was prepared on something more beautiful. I was surprised by aggressive group of vendors, the rain, the commercialization of attractions, etc. And although it could be nice, some dissatisfaction remain. This does not mean that you shouldn't read and seek information, I am always prepared, but I'm skeptic to the emotional, subjective descriptions. I know that sometimes you can not lower the expectations, we are dreaming of something from a childhood, but remember that there is no professional postcard will show you the ugly city, parking lot, or McDonald next to the Egyptian Pyramids. Quite opposite might be in a situation when you do not promise yourself too much and you are prepared for the crowds, high entrance fees, info boards and chains in front of objects, etc. - often the attraction can surprise you.
- Travelling in low season makes everything cheaper and it is easy to find a place in cheap hostels. Buses and trains are not crowded. Weather conditions are, however, not always good. It might be very cold, wet or foggy. Important is to check when any local or national holidays and festivals are, as they may put us in the situation without the possibility of getting a ticket, to find a cheap hostel (even any hotel).
- Travel alone or in a group? Travelling by yourself is easier. You organize your own time. It is the best way to have a lot of good conversations with local people. It's very useful to have a phrasebook with writing in original letters and learn some basic common words to start communication easily. You will never be alone. In group, however, it is lively, safer, cheaper and you have always someone to share you impressions with, but it is very important to find the right company for your long journey. I tried both versions and both have their advantages and disadvantages, but I believe that the best travel is alone.
- Take a guide book with you? Oh, how many times I swore on Lonely Planet (LP) - the admission fees were higher in fact, the embassies opening hours do not match in reality, maps are marked wrongly etc. Lots of travellers complain that the places described by LP is too crowded, commercialized, etc. But LP describes the most interesting attractions and would be a pity to miss it. And travel to isolated places we can go at any time, with or without a guide in your backpack. Then I tried other guides - it was not the best idea. LP is not perfect, but when it comes to practical (saving money) advices, it's still the leader on the market. And if you find information that isn't updated - this is normal - prices, opening hours, visa regulations, etc. are changing all the time, so in other publications you'll find the same errors. This book is created by people like us, normal travellers. After my trips I'm writing the information to the Lonely Planet, pointing them differences with reality which I noticed (Lonely Planet is rewarding (with a book) the extensive feedback, so it's an extra motivation write to them). I have even more respect for Lonely Planet after reading book the founders autobiography book "Unlikely Destinations - The Lonely Planet Story".
- Before start many people asked me if I am not afraid to travel? Of course there is a fear, but rather associated with natural response to new, unknown. I also a feared a bit of armed robbery, bad stories may also occur. On the other hand, who guarantee me the security in Krakow? Generally, if you don't do anything stupid, using common sense, such as walking at night time in back streets with expensive camera, etc, then everything should be fine. You can get unlucky, at wrong place at wrong time, bad things can happen anywhere, even in Sydney. Before going in non-tourist area ask the locals about the safety there. Always watch your luggage. Keep your money in numerous places. I used hip belt and breast pockets for larger amounts and pockets for the change. Keep your passport always with you.
- During long trip is impossible to avoid unpleasant surprises. Once my glasses were stolen, another time a wallet or cash from the hotel. Money are just a money, loss we need to forget and learning from our mistakes. Fortunately, I keep some cash in the other places, thus I'm protected against possible loss of all financial resources. In addition I used traveller's checks, which in the case of loss can be refundable (but I had a lot of problems with American Express). In more development countries is useful to use ATM machine.
Definitely worse are moral harms. Not so nice memories I have of dishonesty drivers and homosexual, money exchangers, etc. These things happen, you need to calculate it in the trip. However, these harsh incidents are nothing compared with the miraculous and incredible experience, and those will be always inside us. In addition, travel develop, give opportunity to meet interesting people and other places, and, above all, to know better yourself. I wish all of you to discover your life goals, which don't necessarily must be a travelling, because as important in life is a joy and satisfaction of every, seemingly ordinary, average day of work or study. And this everyday life is a real art to be, just to be yourself.
- I try to, wherever possible, to save on accommodation and transport, but never on food - we have only one health. In poorer countries avoid eating raw vegetables, fruits with peel off skin, non-pasteurized milk or ice cream and always boil water before consuming especially if its melted ice. I gradually get used to my body to the new bacteria, slowly and partially stopping use the iodine purified tablets from a daily menu. Fortunately nothing hasn't happened wrong to me (except one poisoning from the glacier water), but for more security is better to remain with the bottled water. Just in case, take a vaccine against hepatitis A & B, tetanus (compulsory for yellow fever if you choose travel to South and Central America, or Africa)well before travel. It is also wise to organize health insurance in case of any accident. Be careful with malaria. On this disease die every year the biggest number of people in the world. However, there is no panic as the main problem is lack of medicines in the Third World. As for anti-malaria tablets, opinions are divided - one hundred doctors means one hundred opinions. Epidemic situation in various parts of the world is constantly changing, which is reflected in new suggestions to the malaria prevention. Tablets do not prevent against malaria in 100%, and can have some side effects too. The best way is to avoid mosquitoes, especially between dusk and daybreak and during wet seasons. Wear long sleeves, use anti-mosquito sprays including DEET 15-30%. During nights use a mosquito net and don't use any perfumes or after shave creams. I wish you a good health.
- In my opinion for 1 day individual travel by local transport you get know the local better than for 2-week trip organized by a travel agent. According to saying "the more people know, the better know the country" . The world is too interesting, beautiful and curious, waiting to be discovered.
- I looked in a new way at metropolitan poor districts. Beautifully renovated building looks much more artificial than the alive dilapidated houses, which may be interesting. It is a reflection of the current existence. Now, in large urban cities, I get into the bus or sit in the street restaurant, smile, say "good morning" and in return could begin an interesting conversation. Of course is easy to meet here pickpocket or be robbed by night, but I think it is worth to feel the atmosphere of those districts - they have a soul. I love the early mornings, when street life slowly wake up or just prior to dusk, when in the contrast, everything is made in rush. Then I like to walk among them, without any aim, just watching and wondering. A lot depends on our attitudes.
- in photography very useful accessories are tripod (we can take a good picture even in low light and do not have to ask others to take photos of yourself) and the second lens up to 300mm (photos of people and animals in distance or from hiding spot). Advice - if you like something, specific to the area, is an interesting light, etc. - take a picture straight away, waiting for "better moment" might happen later a complete waste of opportunity. It is better to have two photos than none.
- Travel is determined by two factors - the time and money. If you have both - you are the lucky one. However, without a money you can do the great expeditions, but without time, not.